
Founded in 2006, Shouguang Boyu Chemical Co., Ltd is located in Bohai chemical industrial zone
which is the chemical zone to be first one affirmed preservation and development by Shandong provincial government of Yangkou Town,
the south of Bohai sea LaiZhou bay.
Adjacent to Weifang Binhai Economic-Technological Development Area, which is the China's largest base of sea salt, soda ash and bromine ,
it has a distance of 70 km from the Weifang City, the World Kite Capital, 178 km from Qingdao city and 200 km from Jinan city.
High ways and arterial railways radiate in all directions. Weifang Port and Qingdao Port navigate both in China and abroad.
The airports of Jinan, Qingdao and Weifang have all direct flights from all over the world.

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International Trade:
Contact person : Ms.Dora, Ms Cherry
Tel : 0086-536-8256719, 2105780, 13356706380 Fax : 0086-536-8256716
Moible: 0086-13806499031, 15065607933
QQ: Dora: 3001383736, Cherry: 3001399245
E-mail: dora@jiaozichem.com, christy@jiaozichem.com, cherry@jiaozichem.com
Website : www.wtwu.cn
Add:Room 1101&1103,Building D,Zhongtu Mansion,No.6565 East Fushou Street,Weifang City,Shandong,China


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