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Magnesium Carbonate

Character: In normal temperature, it’s with three hydrates. Light one is white, easily fragile or loose white powder. Odorless.

Relative density is 2.2. Melting point is 350℃. It’s stable in the air. When heated to 700℃, it will become magnesium oxide.

It’s hardly soluble in water, but it’ll bring a slight alkaline reaction.

It can not be soluble in ethanol but it could be soluble in olefine acid with sparkling.

Molecular Formula : xMgCO3·yMg(OH)2·zH2O      4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O
CAS NO: 39409-82-0

Appearance : This product is a white granular powder, odourless, almost tasteless.

Specification :

Item Standard
High-Class First-Class
MgO W/% 40.0~43.5
CaO W%/ ≤ 0.20 0.70
HCl insoluble substances W% /≤ 0.10 0.15
Water Content W/%≤ 2.0 3.0
L.O.I W/% 54-58
Chloride W/%≤ 0.10
Fe W/% ≤ 0.01 0.02
Mn W/% ≤ 0.004 0.004
Sulphate W/%≤ 0.10 0.15
Particle size 0.15mmW/%≤ 0.025 0.03
0.075mmW/%≤ 1.0
Bulk Density(g/ml)≤ 0.12 0.140

Application :

1, Serves as the medicine intermediate, the absorbent, the drying agent, the color fixative, the carrier, the anti knot quick medicinal preparation;
2, Makes the chemical additive, the magnesium element compensation medicinal preparation in food;

Uses in the fine chemical industry producing the chemical reagent;

3, Makes the strengthening agent, the auxiliaries in the rubber;
4, May make the heat insulation, the thermostable fire
protection thermal insulation material;

In electric wire electric cable process of manufacture important chemistry raw material.

5, Makes the high-quality glass products;
6, The enamel ceramics play the superficial luminous role;
7, Manufacture magnesium salt, pigment, paint, everyday use cosmetics, shipbuilding, boiler manufacture.
8, And the athlete competes scratches the hand to use.

Packing: Packed in 25kg plastic woven bag, 25kg kraft-paper bag, or as per the buyer's requirement.

Storage: store in dry, airproof and low temperature condition, and avoid light.

International Trade:
Contact person : Ms.Dora , Ms Cherry
Tel : 0086-536-8256719, 13356706380
Fax : 0086-536-8256716
Moible: 0086-13806499031,, 15065607933
QQ: Dora: 3001383736, Cherry: 3001399245
E-mail: dora@jiaozichem.com, cherry@jiaozichem.com
Website : www.wtwu.cn , www.jiaozichem.com?
Add:Room 1101&1103,Building D,Zhongtu Mansion,No.6565 East Fushou Street,Weifang City,Shandong,China


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